Education for sustainable development: between ministerial injunctions and didactic impediments

  • Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon
  • Sylvie Considère
Keywords: Education for sustainable development, school disciplines, didactics, ethical and civic aims, interdisciplinary education, teachers


Education for sustainable development (ESD), prescribed in France since 2004, is supposed to be developed through the existing disciplines, in primary and secondary education. But the status of knowledge and the usual practices in History-Geography and in Sciences of Life and of Earth contrast with the characteristics of ESD as defined and experimented by many authors. The ethical and civic aims are unequally taken in charge. This statement is supported by the analysis of ESD plans elaborated by teachers, observations of lessons, interviews and questionnaires answered by novice teachers. The same analysis points at other obstacles and possible support for implementing ESD in schools.

How to Cite
Tutiaux-Guillon, N. and Considère, S. (2010) “Education for sustainable development: between ministerial injunctions and didactic impediments”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 32(2), pp. 193–212. doi: 10.24452/sjer.32.2.4832.