Borrowings between disciplinary fields: the case of language sciences in teacher education

  • Kristine Balslev
  • Alessandro Chidichimo
Keywords: Teacher education, Linguistics, Multidisciplinarity


Research in teacher education is a pluridisciplinary field borrowing concepts and theories from other disciplinary fields, particularly from language sciences. To seize their impact and their presence, we analyzed bibliographic references coming from authors in language sciences in articles concerned by teacher education in two international and scientific journals. Based on quantitative analysis, we focused our research on three frequently quoted authors: Mikhaïl Bakhtin, Norman Fairclough and Basil Bernstein. Our contribution aims at proposing a method for understanding the interdisciplinary aspect in teacher education.

How to Cite
Balslev, K. and Chidichimo, A. (2019) “Borrowings between disciplinary fields: the case of language sciences in teacher education”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 41(3), pp. 630–646. Available at: (Accessed: 9 September 2024).