Pulse Laser Deposition method for UV-Photocathode production


  • V.M. Brendel Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991, Moscow, Vavilov Str., 38
  • V.V. Bukin Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991, Moscow, Vavilov Str., 38
  • S.V. Garnov Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991, Moscow, Vavilov Str., 38
  • V.Ch. Bagdasarov Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991, Moscow, Vavilov Str., 38
  • N.N. Denisov Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991, Moscow, Vavilov Str., 38
  • S.G. Garanin FSUE RFNC - VNIIEF, 607188, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Mira Ave, 37
  • V.A. Terehin FSUE RFNC - VNIIEF, 607188, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Mira Ave, 37
  • U.A. Trutnev FSUE RFNC - VNIIEF, 607188, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Mira Ave, 37




Production method of alkali halides UVphotocathodes durable to environment exposure was proposed. Photocathodes with highhomogeneous and adhesion photoemission layerwere made. Quantum yield measurements results ofmanufactured photocathodes are presented.Developed method is promising for creation of highaperture electron injectors and detectors.






Laser – matter interaction and processing technologies

How to Cite

Brendel, V., Bukin, V., Garnov, S., Bagdasarov, V., Denisov, N., Garanin, S., Terehin, V., & Trutnev, U. (2012). Pulse Laser Deposition method for UV-Photocathode production. ALT Proceedings, 1. https://doi.org/10.12684/alt.1.57