Editorial Team

Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr (Universität Basel)
Bénédicte Vauthier (Universität Bern)

Editorial Board
Sara Bernechea (Université de Lausanne)
Alba Nalleli García Agüero-Patanè (Universität Basel)
Andrea Goin Othon (Université de Genève)
Sofía González Gómez (Universität Bern)
Sebastian Imoberdorf (Université de Fribourg)
Belinda Palacios (Université de Genève)
Dolores Phillipps-López (Universités de Genève et Lausanne)
Craig Welker (Universität Bern)

Ángel Berenguer Amador (Universität Basel)
Lea Röthlisberger (Universität Bern)

Scientific Committee
Carlos Alvar (Université de Genève)
Carlota de Benito Moreno (Universität Zürich)
Hugo O. Bizzarri (Université de Fribourg)
Tobias Brandenberger (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Yvette Bürki (Universität Bern)
Mónica Castillo Lluch (Université de Lausanne)
Harm den Boer (Universität Basel)
Rolf Eberenz (Université de Lausanne)
Manuel Galeote (Universidad de Málaga)
Johannes Kabatek (Universität Zürich)
Marco Kunz (Université de Lausanne)
Itzíar López Guil (Universität Zürich)
Adriana López-Labourdette (Universität Bern)
Abraham Madroñal (Université de Genève)
Julio Peñate (Université de Fribourg)
Francisco Ramírez Santacruz (Université de Fribourg)
Yvette Sánchez (Universität St. Gallen)
Juan Pedro Sánchez Méndez (Université de Neuchâtel)
Beatrice Schmid (Universität Basel)
Félix Terrones (Universität Bern)


The active members of the Sociedad Suiza de Estudios Hispánicos (SSEH) elect the steering committee and secretary. The current committee was elected during the last plenary session of the SSEH (November 2023).

The steering committee is responsible for the coordination and material realisation of the Journal, ensuring communication between committees and with authors. It is responsible for managing the internal peer review and communicating with external experts.

The editorial board comprises members of the intermediate body of Swiss Hispanists (professors and researchers), representing the two main disciplines of the Journal: Literatures/Cultures and Hispanic Linguistics. The main tasks of editorial board members include the formal and linguistic review of articles, review of English translations (abstracts and keywords), and a first reading of spontaneously submitted articles. Members can write anonymized peer review reports.

The scientific committee, composed of external experts, supports the work of the editorial board, providing second readings and reports on submitted articles. Members are appointed based on their expertise in Hispanic Studies and their availability to provide expert opinions. The editorial team (editor-in-chief, editor, secretary) is responsible for the overall editorial process, including decision-making on acceptance or rejection based on peer review reports and the definition of the Journal's strategic direction.


Texts in English: Ángel Berenguer and Craig Welker
Logo BHH: (c) Sina Fuchser