“Performing Bodies”: Introduction





Embodiment, Performance, Introduction, Ethnomusicology


This contribution introduces this special issue of the European Journal of Musicology on “Performing Bodies” as a whole, as well as the individual articles included.


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Author Biographies

  • Laura Leante, Durham University

    Laura Leante is Professor of Ethnomusicology at Durham University (UK). She studied ethnomusicology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza,” where she was awarded both her first degree (1999) and her PhD (2003).

    Her research interests range over Indian classical and folk music, music of the South Asian diaspora, performance analysis, music and globalisation, and popular music; she has been researching gesture and embodiment in music performance and for a number of years, including through projects funded by the British Academy and the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council.

    Laura Leante is a long-standing member of the European Seminar in Ethnomusicology (ESEM), for which she has served as Secretary General (2014–2021) and is currently President.

  • Samuel Horlor, Durham University

    Samuel Horlor is Lecturer in Ethnomusicology in the Department of Music, Durham University (UK). Previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Ethnomusicology, Yunnan University (China), he is an ethnomusicologist and scholar of popular music interested in global street music, Chinese-language performances in the UK, and audience research. Samuel is currently serving as President of CHIME, Worldwide Platform for Chinese Music, and he won the Association for Chinese Music Research’s Rulan Chao Pian Publication Prize in 2023. He is also author of Chinese Street Music: Complicating Musical Community, and co-editor (with James Williams) of Musical Spaces: Place, Performance, and Power.




How to Cite

Leante, L., & Horlor, S. (2025). “Performing Bodies”: Introduction. European Journal of Musicology, 23(1), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.5450/EJM.23.1.2025.1