Eye fixations to figures in a four-choice situation with luminance balanced areas: Evaluating practice effects


  • Candido V. B. B. Pessôa Universidade de São Paulo
  • Edson M. Huziwara Universidade de São Paulo
  • William F. Perez Universidade de São Paulo
  • Peter Endemann Universidade de São Paulo
  • Gerson Y. Tomanari Universidade de São Paulo




eye movements, fixation, four-choice situation, two- and three-dimensional figures, human participants


Contingency analyses of eye movements may reveal variables that are relevant to the stimulus control of observing behavior. The present research tracked the eye movements of four adults exposed to a simultaneous discrimination among four stimuli, two two-dimensional (square and circle) and two three-dimensional (cube and cylinder) mono-chromatic figures with approximately equal luminance. On each discrimination trial, the stimuli were displayed in the four corners of a video monitor and participants chose among them by pressing corresponding keys. For two participants, choosing either cube or square (S+) was followed by the word “correct” and a 3-second inter-trial interval. Alternatively, choosing either cylinder or circle (S-) was followed by "incorrect" and a 30-second inter-trial interval. For the other two participants, contingencies were reversed. The position of the stimuli on the screen varied randomly across trials. The procedure continued for 80 trials. During these trials, discriminated choices were established. Despite the presence of both a two- and a three-dimensional S+ on each trial, responses to the three-dimensional S+ tended to prevail. Although general eye fixations tended to decrease as discrimination was established, subjects tended to observe S+ for longer durations than S-. Characteristics of the stimuli may interact with the contingencies of reinforcement in the stimulus control of observing behavior.







How to Cite

Eye fixations to figures in a four-choice situation with luminance balanced areas: Evaluating practice effects. (2009). Journal of Eye Movement Research, 2(5). https://doi.org/10.16910/jemr.2.5.3