
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Journal Focus

The Journal of Eye Movement Research (JEMR) is devoted to all aspects of oculomotor functioning, including methodology of eye recording, neurophysiological and cognitive models, attention, reading as well as applications in neurology, ergonomy, media research, and other areas.


Manuscripts must conform to the structure, layout and format recommended by the American Psychological Association (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, 2020). Authors are urged to use the JEMR template to ensure that their manuscripts are properly formatted. A Word template including a guide (Howto-JEMR.pdf), is available.

Manuscripts must be submitted initially in PDF format, and as final revised version both in docx and PDF format.

Submission Procedure (Read carefully!)

  1. Check your submission against the Submission Preparation Checklist.
  2. Registration: If you have never submitted a manuscript to, or reviewed a manuscript for JEMR, you must first register using the Register button in the navigation panel.
  3. Login using the Login button on the navigation panel. If you have forgotten your username and/or your password, select "Forgot your password?" and enter your email address to receive this information. JEMR identifies you through your email address, so please refrain from using multiple email addresses.
  4. On the main page, select Edit my Profile. There you can select multiple roles, namely Reader (for receiving announcements), Author (for submitting manuscripts), and Reviewer (for reviewing other manuscripts). Make sure that the Author role is selected.
  5. On the main page, select New Submission: This will lead you through several pages for submitting a new manuscript. If you do not see [New Submission], check your profile to ensure you have selected Author as one of your roles.


If requested by the editors, revised manuscripts and responses to reviewers ("action report" itemwise separately for every review) must be submitted to JEMR.

Final Submission

After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author(s) must submit the following files:

  1. Both, an editable docx and a PDF version of the accepted final  manuscript
  2. All references must be in strict APA style. It is recommended for managing bibliography and citations to use a program like e.g. EndNote. For ther correction of invalid refernces an additional charge might be raised. You should check your references with
  3. All figures which already have been included in the submitted manuscript must also be separately submitted as supplementary files in high resolution tiff (DPI ≥ 900) The figures should be named as figure-01, figure-02, … and uploaded in one zip file.
  4. Formulas must be submitted in MathML with tags <mml:math>. If this is not possible, then formulas should be submitted as image in tiff (DPI ≥ 500), with file names equation-01, equation-02, …

The additional files must be submitted as supplementary files as zip.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

For supporting their operating costs, the Journal of Eye Movement Research currently charges a publication fee (also known as APC, Article Processing Charges) of currently  870 Euro. After the manuscript has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication the APC has to be paid, The corresponding author is responsible for arranging the payment. The journal does not charge any article submission charges (ASC).

Authors who lack the funds to cover APC may request a discount when the manuscript is initially submitted. In order to keep publication charges as low as possible, discounts are not automatically given but must be approved on a case-by-case basis, and authors from developing and transitional countries and on a predoctoral or early postdoctoral stage are given priority. Application for discounts must be made when initially submitting a manuscript and must include a signed statement by the institution that they do not have funds for supporting open access publication.

If style of manuscript and referencing does not follow the instructions, the editor might request additional payment for the additional editorial work.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The research complies with all Ethics standards as described in the Ethics Section.
  • The submission file is in PDF format.
  • Where available, DOIs and URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines and the Templates, which are found under "Author Guidelines".
  • The corresponding author confirms to arrange for the payment of APC after the article has been accepted and is ready for publication, unless the editors have agreed on a discount, the full amount of 870 Euro.
  • Information about all authors and co-authors, including affiliation, email address, Orcid are being provided. When submitting, the corresponding athoe and all co-authors must be registered as authors and users of JEMR. In addition, registering for the role as possible reviewer is recommended.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.