Evidence for a Structural Analysis of Target Selection in Picture Viewing

  • Christoph Rasche Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany
  • Benjamin W. Tatler University of Dundee, Scotland
Keywords: saccadic target selection, real-world scenes, symmetric-axis, transform


Spontaneous fixations onto shapes are driven by a structural analysis. But is such analysis also carried out during free viewing of real-world scenes? Here, we analyze how fixation locations in such scenes are related to their region using the region's symmetric axes as a reference. Each fixation location is compared with respect to its nearest symmetric-axis segment by a latitude and a longitude measure. Analyzing the distributions for the two measures we find that there exist fixation biases for L features and parallel contours, suggesting that structural analysis may play a role in saccadic target selection during free viewing.
How to Cite
Rasche, C., & Tatler, B. W. (2011). Evidence for a Structural Analysis of Target Selection in Picture Viewing. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.16910/jemr.4.1.2