Optically induced refractive errors reduces fixation stability but saccade latency remains stable


  • Gro Horgen Vikesdal University College of Southeast Norway
  • Trine Langaas University College of Southeast Norway




Saccade latency, fixation stability, refractive error, visual acuity, blur, accommodation


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of optically induced refractive errors on saccade latency and fixation stability.

Sixteen healthy, young adults (two males), with normal visual acuity and normal accommodation, performed a saccade task and a fixation task wearing a range of contact lenses (from +3.00 to -5.00 diopters) which induced visual blur and accommodation. The results showed that mean (± standard error) saccade latency was 207 (± 5) milliseconds (ms) and remained stable with both visual blur and accommodation, whereas mean (± standard error) fixation stability was logBCEA 2.48 (± 0.03) (arcmin²) and declined by about 0.09 logBCEA with both visual blur and accommodation.  

In healthy adults with normal vision, results indicate that recording of saccade latency can be completed accurately regardless of the moderate refractive errors induced in this study. Fixation stability, on the other hand, degrades slightly with blur and with accommodation.

Author Biographies

  • Gro Horgen Vikesdal, University College of Southeast Norway

    Faculty of Health Sciences
    Department of Optometry and Visual Science

  • Trine Langaas, University College of Southeast Norway
    Faculty of Health Sciences
    Department of Optometry and Visual Science







How to Cite

Optically induced refractive errors reduces fixation stability but saccade latency remains stable. (2016). Journal of Eye Movement Research, 9(7). https://doi.org/10.16910/jemr.9.7.3