MAGiC: A multimodal framework for analysing gaze in dyadic communication


  • Ülkü Arslan Aydin Middle East Technical University Cognitive Science Department
  • Sinan Kalkan Middle East Technical University Computer Engineering Department
  • Cengiz Acarturk Middle East Technical University Cognitive Science Department



Gaze analysis, speech analysis, automatic face detection, automatic speech segmentation


The analysis of dynamic scenes has been a challenging domain in eye tracking research. This study presents a framework, named MAGiC, for analyzing gaze contact and gaze aversion in face-to-face communication. MAGiC provides an environment that is able to detect and track the conversation partner’s face automatically, overlay gaze data on top of the face video, and incorporate speech by means of speech-act annotation. Specifically, MAGiC integrates eye tracking data for gaze, audio data for speech segmentation, and video data for face tracking. MAGiC is an open source framework and its usage is demonstrated via publicly available video content and wiki pages. We explored the capabilities of MAGiC through a pilot study and showed that it facilitates the analysis of dynamic gaze data by reducing the annotation effort and the time spent for manual analysis of video data.

Author Biographies

  • Ülkü Arslan Aydin, Middle East Technical University Cognitive Science Department

    Ülkü Arslan Aydin is a PhD Student at the Middle East Technical University Cognitive Science Department

  • Sinan Kalkan, Middle East Technical University Computer Engineering Department
    Sinan Kalkan is a faculty member, an associate professor at the Computer Engineering Department of the Middle East Technical University, Turkey. His current research interests cover developmental robotics (Life-long Learning, Context, Concepts and Representation in Robots, Human-Robot Interaction), Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition (Computer Vision, Cognitive Vision, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition)
  • Cengiz Acarturk, Middle East Technical University Cognitive Science Department

    Cengiz Acartürk is a faculty member, an associate professor at the Cognitive Science Program at the Informatics Institute of the Middle East Technical University, Turkey. His current research interests cover human computer interaction, eye tracking applications, group eye tracking, reading, and cybercognition. He teaches graduate courses on visual cognition, eye tracking and cybersystems.

    The study reported here has been partially supported by TUBITAK Turkish Technological and Scientific Research Foundation Project No. 117E021








How to Cite

MAGiC: A multimodal framework for analysing gaze in dyadic communication. (2018). Journal of Eye Movement Research, 11(6).