Fight Books in Context: Martial and University Cultures at the Edge of Modernity

From Schools to Swords: An Introduction




Scholasticism, Fight book, University


What is the cultural background of the masters of arms? What is the meaning of the scientific and philosophical references scattered in the fight books corpus? To what extent does the university culture permeate the whole society and more specifically martial culture? These are the leading questions of the present issue.


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Bauer, Matthias Johannes, ‘Einen Zedel fechter ich mich ruem / Im Schwerd vnd Messer vngestuem. Fechtmeister als Protagonisten und als (fach-)literarisches Motiv in den deutschsprachigen Fechtlehren des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit’, Das Mittelalter, 19/2 (2014), pp. 302-325

Brioist, Pascal, ‘La réduction en art de l’escrime au XVIe siècle’, in Réduire en art. La technologie de la Renaissance aux Lumières, ed. by Pascal Dubourg Glatigny and Hélène Vérin (Paris: Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2008), pp. 293-316

Chaize, Pierre-Alexandre, ‘Quand la pratique est Logique. Clés de lecture pour aborder la tradition liechtenauerienne’, in L’art chevaleresque du combat. Le maniement des armes à travers les livres de combat (XIVe-XVIe siècles), ed. by Daniel Jaquet (Neuchâtel: Editions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, 2013), pp. 43-62

Cinato, Franck and Surprenant, Didier, eds., Le livre de l’Art du Combat. Liber de arte dimicatoria, édition critique du Royal Armouries MS. I. 33 (Paris: CNRS éditions, 2015)

DeLapp, Kevin, ‘Philosophical Duelism: Fencing in Early Modern Thought’, Journal of Early Modern Studies 7/2 (2018), pp. 31-54

Grendler, Paul F., ‘Fencing, Playing Ball, and Dancing in Italian Renaissance Universities’, in Humanism, Universities, and Jesuit Education in Late Renaissance Italy, ed. by Paul F. Grendler (Leiden: Brill, 2022), pp. 251-274




How to Cite

Leblanc, H. (2023). Fight Books in Context: Martial and University Cultures at the Edge of Modernity: From Schools to Swords: An Introduction. Acta Periodica Duellatorum, 11(1), 1-3.