Corpus Asher-Greve. Dealing with "Data form the Past"

  • Nicole Gäumann


SNF-Project (1.722-0.83): Naturwissenschaftliche und typologische Untersuchungen an Rollsiegeln.

When?         1983-1986

Who?           Dr. Julia Asher-Greve and Prof. Dr. Willem Stern, University of Basel

Material?     1017 cylinder seals from Mesopotamia and neighbouring regions covering all periods from Uruk to Achaemenid period.


  • XRD (X-ray diffraction) -> mineralogical composition
  • EDXRF (energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence) -> chemical composition
  • Iconographical typology

Project couldn’t be brought to an end, data not interpreted


PhD-Project based on the corpus and analyses of the project Asher-Greve

When?         2017-2020 (?)

Who?           Nicole Gäumann

Material?     Same


  • Interpretation of XRD- and EDXRF from previous project
  • Further analyses on existing powder samples (?)
  • Typology

Bringing together the results of the material analyses and the archaeological data, the material ought to be interpreted in terms of connections between material, colour, dating, provenance, theme, owner…

How to Cite
Gäumann, N. (2020). Corpus Asher-Greve. Dealing with "Data form the Past". BAF-Online: Proceedings of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum, 2.
Panel 2: Recovering function, purpose and meaning