Ideology and Administration in Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon
Kleber, K. 2008. Tempel und Palast: Die Beziehungen zwischen dem König und dem Eanna-Tempel im
spätbabylonischen Uruk. AOAT 358. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
Eanna Archive Chronology (pp.135–73)
Regnal years 1 – 20 ++; Building projects: Etemenanki Ziqqurat; Location: Babylon
Regnal years 2; Building projects: Esagil Babylon
Regnal years 14 – 32; Building projects: miscellaneous; Location: Opis and Sippar
Regnal years 14/35 – 42; Building projects: - ; Location: Tyros/Ṣuru
Regnal years 15 – at least 20; Building projects: - ; Location: Jādaqu
Regnal years 19 – 29; Building projects: North Palace; Location: Babylon
Regnal years 23 – (project completed in the reign of Cyrus); Building projects: - ; Location: Raqqat-Šamaš
Regnal years 27; Building projects: Nebuchadnezzar Canal (Nār-Šarri); Location: North of Sippar
Regnal years 31; Building projects: A dam; Location: Sealand region
Regnal years 33; Building projects: Euriminanki Ziqqurrat; Location: Borsippa
Regnal years 35; Building projects: City wall; Location: Babylon
Da Riva, R. 2008. The Neo-Babylonian Royal Inscriptions: An Introduction. Guides to the Mesopotamian
Textual Record (GMTR) 4. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
“In his Ehulhul cylinder…, king Nabonidus claims to have restored the Ebabbar in Sippar forty-five years after the reconstruction undertaken by Nebuchadnezzar. Since Nabonidus’ works date to 553-2 BC, the alleged reconstruction must date to 597-96 BC (pp.74).”
*597-96 BC = 7 th - 8 th regnal years
Da Riva, R. 2012. The Twin Inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar at Brisa (Wadi Esh-Sharbin, Lebanon): a historical and philological studies . Archiv für Orientforschung (AO) 32. Wien: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Orientalistik der Universität Wien.
“The construction of Nār-šarri is well-documented in the administrative texts, and all evidence confirms that it was a lengthy project. The first references to the canal are from the second decade of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, but the construction documents are dated to the 27 th regnal year onwards (pp.20).”
Da Riva, R. 2013. Nebuchadnezzar II’s Prism (EŞ 7834): A New Edition. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie (ZA), 103 (2). 196–229.
“Also known as the Old Palace, this building had been constructed by Nabopolassar (626–605 BC) and later expanded by Nebuchadnezzar II (605–562 BC) in or before his seventh year, according to the date mentioned in the Prism, before he decided to build a new one (the Hauptburg or Nordburg) outside the inner wall system (pp.196).”
Column III
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26’ 1
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