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Author Guidelines

Submission Procedure
Contributions must be submitted via the journal's administration system (not by e-mail). To do so, please create an account at After you have logged in, you can submit your contribution.

Peer review process
We use double blind peer review, i.e., neither reviewers nor authors know each other’s identity. Therefore, please remove all indications of your identity from your article. Information on authorship can be entered in the journal administration system during the submission process and therefore does not have to be entered in the submitted text file. Make sure that the metadata of the submitted PDF files does not contain any information that might identify you as the author.

Contributions can be submitted in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

Abstract & Keywords
Articles should be accompanied by a summary in English (ca 200 words) and 5 keywords.

File formats
For peer review, a PDF file including images is sufficient.
For accepted contributions, an editable file without images in one of the following formats must be submitted: Doc, docs, ODT.

Manuscript preparation
Formatting should be kept as simple as possible and serves only to help distinguish the different elements. Only italics are used for emphasis, primarily for fixed terms and for book titles. Do not use the following elements:
• Emphasis by underlining or boldface (except to indicate headings)
• Blank lines between paragraphs
• indents by tabs or spaces
Font styles and formatting: Text: Arial 12pt, single line spacing, justified.
Footnotes: Arial 10pt, single line spacing, justified.

Illustration references should be given in brackets according to the following abbreviations: fig./figs. (figure/figures); pl./pls. (plate/plates). Ex.: (fig. 4).

Citations and terms in Latin and Romanized Greek text (transliteration) should be italicized. Modern terms and ‘so-calls’ should be set in single quotation marks. You may use any Unicode font for the Greek, Coptic, Latin, Demotic and Arabic. As all articles will be transformed to XML and then to HTML/PDF, a standard house style will be applied.

Footnotes at the bottom of the page, footnote numbers before punctuation. In case of three or more author, after the first author use et al. Example: Kalos et al. 2010, 147-158. This will be listed in the final bibliography in the following form:
Kalos M., Renel F., Dentzer J.-M. 2010, Formation et dévelopment des villes en Syrie du sud de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque byzantine, in J. Dentzer-Feydy, M. Vallerin (édités par), Hauran V. La Syrie du sud du néolithique à l’antiquité tardive, recherces récentes, Actes du colloque (Damas 2007), Beyrout, 147-158.

The number of pages should be given in full (ex.: 192-195; no 192-95 or 192-5). Abbreviations as f./ff./sqq. are not accepted; specific page numbers are cited instead. Supra reference passim is accepted.

Images (300 dpi) and line drawings (600 dpi) should be sent as separate, individual files in TIFF format. Each caption must contain photo credits. Ex.: Fig. 1: Rome, Temple of Mars seen from East (photo author, 2024).

The Author is responsible for the fulfillment of any obligations towards the Institutions that hold the rights to the reproduction of the images.

For every contribution please submit a bibliography according to the following style:
Monographs: author’s surname abbreviated forename date of publication, title, place of publication. Example: Rinaldi Tufi S. 2000, Archeologia delle province romane, Roma.
Edited and Collected volumes: author(s) surname abbreviated forename date of publication, article title, in editors, book title, place of publication, pages. Example: Bowersock G.W. 1991, La Grecia e le province orientali, in G. Clemente, F. Coarelli, E. Gabba (a cura di), Storia di Roma. L’impero mediterraneo, II, 2. I principi e il mondo, Torino, 409-432.
Journal articles: author’s surname abbreviated forename date of publication, title, in journal, volume number, pages. Example: Eck W. 2008, Die Benennung von römischen Amtsträgern und politisch-militärisch-administrativen Funktionen bei Flavius Iosephus: Probleme der korrekten Identifizierung, in ZPE, 166, 218-226.

Use journal abbreviations according to DAI rules:

Provide any stable identifiers (jstor, or DOIs if they are available and known to you.

CSIR Deutschland II 1 Nr. 10 Taf. 25
IG II/III², 786
SEG 24, 138
SNG München, 707–710
CVA München (8), Taf. 390, 1
CVA Orvieto, Mus. Faina (1) III H Taf. 1

Ancient Authors, inscriptions and papyri
For Greek authors use Liddell-Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon (LSL) Greek Authors.

For Latin authors use Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) Latin authors.

For editions and standard works of Greek epigraphy GrEpiAbbr.

For papyrological editions the Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets.

Sample bibliography
Eck W. 2003, The Language of Power: Latin in the Inscriptions of Iudaea/Syria Palaestina, in L.H. Schiffman (ed.), Semitic Papyrology in Context, Leiden, 123-144.
Foerster G., Tsafrir Y. 1992, Nysa-Scythopolis in the Roman period: A Greek city of Coele Syria, Evidence from the excavations at Bet Shean, in ARAM, 4.1, 117-138.
Gawlikowski M. 2021, Tadmor – Palmyra. A Caravan City between East and West, Krakow.
Kalos M., Renel F., Dentzer J.-M. 2010, Formation et dévelopment des villes en Syrie du sud de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque byzantine, in M. al-Maqdissi, F. Braemer, J.-M. Dentzer (eds.), Hauran V. La Syrie du sud du néolithique à l’antiquité tardive, recherces récentes, Actes du colloque (Damas 2007), Beyrout, 147-158.
Rathmayr E. 2011, Die Skulpturenausstattung des C. Laecanius Bassus Nymphaeum in Ephesos, in F. D’Andria, I. Romeo (eds.), Roman Sculpture in Asia Minor, Proceedings of the International Conference to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Italian excavations at Hierapolis in Phrygia, (Cavallino 2007), (JRA Suppl. Series 80), Portsmouth, 130-149.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


Section default policy

Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics
The Journal is committed to promoting codes of conduct that serve good academic practice. For the publication of epigraphic material, the journal adheres to the guidelines of on the Handling of Unpublished Inscriptions.

For articles containing editions of unpublished papyri, the journal encourages the documentation of provenance and of circumstances of acquisition  according to the "Joint statement (AIP-ASP) on the papyrus trade (2022)"

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.