Thoughts on the possible Iranian origins of the Jemdet Nasr painting style

  • Mouheyddine Ossman


Dates: ca. 3150-2900 B.C.E.

Places: Western Iran and Central Mesopotamia

Main argument: It is admitted that Iran had an influence on the southern Mesopotamian region during the Jemdet Nasr period, but the mechanisms of this influence are not clear. This talk would like to suggest some Iranian influence arrived in Central Mesopotamia during the collapse of the so-called "Uruk system", which coincides with the reappearance of painting on ware.


Delougaz, P. 1952
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Ghirshman, R. 1938
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Helwing, B. 2011
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Metallury on the Western Central Iranian Plateau, in Archäologie in Iran und Turan, Band 9, Mainz, pp. 196-253.
Hessan, M. 2011
"New Evidence of the Emergence of Complex Societies Discovered on the Central Iranian Plateau", in Iranian Journal of
Archaeological Studies, 1:2, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, pp. 35-48.
Le Breton, A. 1957
"The Early Periods of Susa, Mesopotamian Relations", in Iraq, XIX, London, pp. 79-124.
Matthews, R. 2002
Secrets of the Dark Mound, Jemdet Nasr 1926-1928, Warminster.
Nicholas, I. M. 1990
The Proto-Elamite Settlement at TUV, Malyan Excavation Report, vol. I, Summer, W. M. (ed.), Philadelphia.
Wilson, K. L. 1986
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On the same topic, see also:
Nagel, W. 1964: Djamdat Nasr-kulturen und frühdynastische Buntkeramiker, Berliner Beiträge zur vor-und Frühgeschichte, 8, Berlin. 
How to Cite
Ossman, M. (2017). Thoughts on the possible Iranian origins of the Jemdet Nasr painting style. BAF-Online: Proceedings of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum, 1.
Panel 3: Localising influence and identity