Treatment of Gallicisms in Spanish Academic Lexicography in the XXI Century: from DRAE 2001 to DLE 2014


  • Clara Curell Universidad de La Laguna


gallicisms, loanwords, contemporary Spanish, Royal Spanish Academy, lexicographical sources of Spanish


The aim of this paper is to assess the treatment of Gallicisms in the latest edition of the Spanish Academic Dictionary (DLE 2014, electronic version 23.3), in relation to the previous lexicon edition (DRAE 2001) and other descriptive dictionaries of contemporary Spanish. Based on the premises stated in DLE's foreword, I will, to this end, present the new registered Gallicisms. After that, I will comment on the most significant modifications that have taken place in the definition, either in certain marks or in the etymological information of some already existing entries.




How to Cite

Curell, C. (2023). Treatment of Gallicisms in Spanish Academic Lexicography in the XXI Century: from DRAE 2001 to DLE 2014. Boletín Hispánico Helvético, 35-36, 67-85.