Approach to a comparative analysis of the theme of love in two late medieval works

The poem «Razón de amor con los Denuestos del Agua y del Vino» and the «Carmina Riuipullensia»


  • Mélissa Casa


love, Anónimo Enamorado de Ripoll, Razón de amor, medieval lyiric, goliards, troubadours


This article is based on a Master's thesis entitled «Comparative analysis of the theme of love in two late medieval texts: the poem Razón de amor con Denuestos del Agua y del Vino and the Carmina Riuipullensia». The comparison we are undertaking intends to find out to what extent the two selected works, coming from a close period and place, converge or diverge in the treatment of the theme of love. Likewise, we wish to highlight the individual characteristics that give these compositions their own literary identity. To this end, we devote the first chapters of the article to an exposition of the medieval historical-cultural context and a general introduction to our two works. The comparative analysis, which is the core of our work, is built on a catalog of topics and motifs related to love. The criterion that guided our selection has been the abundance of those topics and motifs in both works.




How to Cite

Casa, M. (2022). Approach to a comparative analysis of the theme of love in two late medieval works: The poem «Razón de amor con los Denuestos del Agua y del Vino» and the «Carmina Riuipullensia». Boletín Hispánico Helvético, 39-40, 39-83.