Music and the Body: From Cognition to Performance




Music and the Body, , Embodied music cognition , Gesture, Entrainment, Phenomenology, Affect


This article provides an overview of some recent approaches to the study of music and the body. Among the topics discussed are embodied music cognition, phenomenology, affect and atmosphere, entrainment and gesture, and “reading” bodies as cultural texts. The different concepts are defined, and examples of relevant studies are identified and discussed. Themes that cut across these topics include the moving body, the nature of embodiment, and the relationship between non-discursive forms of meaning making and language. Earlier work on music and the body within ethnomusicology is also discussed, as well as more recent work that theorises music and embodiment. The article concludes that ethnomusicology is especially well situated to study the body and embodiment due to its ethnographic approach to performance, where moving, performing, and listening bodies are in focus.


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  • Thomas Solomon, University of Bergen

    Thomas Solomon is Professor of Musicology in the Grieg Academy-Department of Music at the University of Bergen. He has done field research in Bolivia on musical imaginations of ecology, place, and identity, and in Istanbul on place and identity in Turkish hip-hop. He has published widely on topics including popular music in Turkey, music and indigeneity, music censorship, music and gender, music and postcolonialism, and music and diaspora. His publications include articles in the journals Ethnomusicology, Popular Music, The World of Music, and Yearbook for Traditional Music, as well as numerous chapters in edited volumes.




Solomon, T. (2025). Music and the Body: From Cognition to Performance. European Journal of Musicology, 23(1), 5-30.