An eye tracking based framework for safety improvement of offshore operations


  • Muhammad Raza Department of Mining Engineering, UET Lahore
  • Raj Kiran School of Petroleum and Geological Eng., University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Saima Ghazal Dept. of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Jiwon Jeon Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Saeed Salehi School of Petroleum and Geological Eng., University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Ziho Kang Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Edward Cokely Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma, USA



Eye tracking, gaza, situational awareness, saccades, individual differences, safety, offshore operations


Offshore drilling operations consist of complex and high-risk processes. Lack of situational awareness in drilling operations has become an important human factor issue that causes safety accidents. Prolonged work shifts and fatigue are some of the crucial issues that impact performance. Eye tracking technology can be used to distinguish the degree of awareness or alertness of participants that might be related to fatigue or onsite distractions. Oculomotor activity can be used to obtain visual cues that can quantify the drilling operators’ situational awareness that might enable us to develop warning alarms to alert the driller. Such systems can help reduce accidents and save non-productive time. In this paper, eye movement characteristics were investigated to differentiate the situational awareness between a representative expert and a group of novices using a scenario-based Virtual Reality Drilling Simulator. Significant visual oculomotor activity differences were identified between the expert and the novices that indicate an eye-tracking based system can detect the distraction and alertness exhibited by the workers. Results show promise on developing a framework which implements a real-time eye tracking technology in various drilling operations at drilling rigs and Real Time Operation Centers to improve process safety.

Author Biographies

  • Muhammad Raza, Department of Mining Engineering, UET Lahore



  • Raj Kiran, School of Petroleum and Geological Eng., University of Oklahoma, USA



  • Saima Ghazal, Dept. of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan



  • Jiwon Jeon, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Oklahoma, USA



  • Saeed Salehi, School of Petroleum and Geological Eng., University of Oklahoma, USA



  • Ziho Kang, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Oklahoma, USA



  • Edward Cokely, Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma, USA




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How to Cite

An eye tracking based framework for safety improvement of offshore operations. (2023). Journal of Eye Movement Research, 16(3).