In maletg da mia veta

Der Bündner Komponist Gion Antoni Derungs (1935–2012)

  • Laura Decurtins Institut für Kulturforschung Graubünden
Schlagworte: Zeitgenössische Musik, Graubünden, Romanischbünden, Schweizer Komponisten, Biografie


The composer and musician Gion Antoni Derungs from Vella (Val Lumnezia) in Graubünden, who died in 2012, once described his compositional oeuvre as a "picture of my life". Laura Decurtins aims to examine the constant exchanges and connections between Derungs' musical development and his personal life with regard to his extensive oeuvre including 191 opus works in almost all genres of instrumental and vocal music as well as hundreds of works without an opus number.

SJM Band 39
Decurtins, L. (2022). In maletg da mia veta: Der Bündner Komponist Gion Antoni Derungs (1935–2012). Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, 39, 135–143.