Définir la crise de l’opera buffa : le cas Michele Perrin

  • Guillaume Castella Université de Berne
Schlagworte: Cagnoni, opera buffa, Michele Perrin


Michele Perrin, first performed at the Teatro Filodrammatici in Milan on 7 May 1864, is an opera buffa by Antonio Cagnoni with a libretto by Marco Marcelliano Marcello. Its musico-dramatic content and critical reception present the potential of crisis as a positive and creative disruption of established norms in the authors’ (largely unsuccessful) attempt to reform the opera buffa genre.

Castella, G. (2024). Définir la crise de l’opera buffa : le cas Michele Perrin. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, 40, 95–102. https://doi.org/10.36950/sjm.40.8