BAF-Online known as BAF-O (ISSN: 2504-2076) is the publication platform of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF). It makes available to the public within the shortest possible delays vidcasts of the talks that have been held at the BAF. The vidcasts published at BAF Online have been peer-reviewed by members of the BAF scientific committee and are quotable. 

The aim of BAF-O is to facilitate the dissemination and publication of ideas prior to final results. In order to facilitate communication across subjects and disciplines the BAF has adopted an epistemological approach. This means that the talks are organised into panels based on some of the greater conceptual or methodological issues they touch upon.

To submit a contribution to BAF-O you must have presented a talk at the annual BAF.


Ultimo numero

V. 4 N. 1 (2019): Proceedings of the 4th Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF), 11th-13th June 2019
					Visualizza V. 4 N. 1 (2019): Proceedings of the 4th Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF), 11th-13th June 2019
Pubblicato: 2020-11-06

Panel GIGA.MEŠ: Techniques of digital reconstruction

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