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Las tres orillas: nadar a contracorriente. África, Europa y América Latina




In these preliminary remarks, we have brought into dialogue the dozen authors who have entrusted us with their contributions. These analyse the circulations, flows and exchanges of people and ideas between one and the other side of the Atlantic over the course of the 20th century. The third axis of triangulation in all of them is France, a land of dreams or a land of welcome, to which one arrives with love; or Africa, a land of origin, from which men and women were uprooted to become tools of the colonial dream. What are the events and/or the structural elements of the histories –political and aesthetic– that need to be given more attention when we speak of transnational, transversal, transatlantic relations? What are the conceptual and historiographical categories that would allow us to better articulate these histories? These are some of questions underlying the structure of the present issue of Versants and our reading of it. 

Keywords: Spain, Latin America, transatlantic, exile, migration, circulation, politics, aesthetics 


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How to Cite

Vauthier, B., & Terrones, F. (2023). Las tres orillas: nadar a contracorriente. África, Europa y América Latina. Versants. Revista Suiza De Literaturas románicas, 3(70).