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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): Proceedings of the 4th Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF), 11th-13th June 2019
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): Proceedings of the 4th Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF), 11th-13th June 2019
Programme of the 4th BAF, 11th-13th June 2019
PDF (Anglais)
Panel GIGA.MEŠ: Techniques of digital reconstruction
Detecting word boundaries in an undeciphered script: The Byblos syllabary
Michael Mäder
Video (Anglais)
Panel IŠTAR: Forms of transtextual analysis
Papyri to the rescue: reconstructing Hellenistic male-female couple relationships through papyrological documentation
Charlotte Golay
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
nam-nar/nārūtu in the Seleucid Period: revisiting an excerpt of CT 17, pl. 18 [BM 34223+]
Daniel Sánchez Munõz
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Mesopotamian medical information in the divination series Šumma ālu
Francesca Minen
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel HAPI: Conceptualising nature
Hemp! Thread, cloth and a calendar
Jeannette Boertien
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Evolution of a social dynamic in a changing landscape: the case of Argos (Argolis, Greece) in the Mycenaean period
Philippe Baeriswyl
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel HESET: Consumption and symbolism
The “poisonous water” (mê rʾōš) in Jer 8:14 and the “bewitched water” (mê kaššāpūti) in Maqlû i 103-104: witchcraft in the book of Jeremiah
Cristiana Conti
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Is the Erasing of the Metal Ware in the Banquet Scene of Assurbanipal, an Aspect of the damnatio memoriae?
Adonice-Ackad Baaklini
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
The Mountain Fortresses of Rabana-Merquly in Iraqi-Kurdistan
Michael Brown
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
The Hittite Notion of Border. A practical view
Adam Kryszeń
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel NEITH: Mobility and networks
On the Aramaic Onomasticon in the Cuneiform Text Corpus
Brandon Simonson
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Ionians and Carians in an Aramaic Letter from Saqqâra: Notes for a Tentative Interpretation of NSaqPap 26
Marco Santini
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Onomastic interferences in Lycia: Greek reinterpretation of Lycian personal names
Florian Réveilhac
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel KOTHAR: Iconographic narratives
Mirroring the god: topic, images and word-order in the hieroglyphic Luwian inscription ALEPPO 6
Claudia Posani
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
The Goddess on the Vezirhan Stele
Tamás Péter Kisbali
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel ŠAMḪAT: Methodologies of heritage preservation/reconstruction
Toward a Syllabary and a Sign List of the Early Dynastic Umma Region
Armando Bramanti
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
The Materiality of Cylinder Seals
Nicole Gäumann
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)