La cortesía en Canarias a finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX. Saludos y despedidas en un corpus de cartas privadas

  • Irene Bello Hernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Canary Islands, letters, politeness, goodbyes, greetings, eighteenth century, nineteenth century


This project analyses two speech acts, greetings and goodbyes, in a collection of letters written in the Canary Islands between 1740 and 1820. It aims to offer some insight about how changes in society (i.e. the transition from a feudal society to a capitalist, class-based one) shape the way politeness is understood, and how this may affect linguistic forms, especially the aforementioned speech acts.

How to Cite
Bello Hernández, I. (2020). La cortesía en Canarias a finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX. Saludos y despedidas en un corpus de cartas privadas. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 42, pp. 39–61.