In ricordo di Fiorenzo Toso, partner e co-autore di GEPHRAS e GEPHRAS2


  • Erica Autelli
  • Christine Konecny



In this obituary, the editors of the present special issue share memories of Professor Fiorenzo Toso, who passed away at 60 on 24 September 2022 after a short, serious illness. Erica Autelli and Christine Konecny pay their respects to the deceased with personal words and in the form of a poem written in Genoese in collaboration with the poet Alessandro Guasoni, which concludes the obituary. Fiorenzo Toso taught and researched at the University of Sassari from 2007 to 2022, first as an associate and then as a full professor. He was a recognised expert on Ligurian and, above all, Genoese, on which he wrote numerous articles and several monographs. He was also involved in GEPHRAS and GEPHRAS2, the phraseographic projects which led to the publication of this volume of the journal Linguistik online. Therefore, this special issue is dedicated to him and is entitled Fraseografia e metafraseografia delle varietà diatopiche. Studi in onore di Fiorenzo Toso (‘Phraseography and metaphraseography of diatopic varieties. Studies in honour of Fiorenzo Toso’).


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Autelli, E., & Konecny, C. (2024). In ricordo di Fiorenzo Toso, partner e co-autore di GEPHRAS e GEPHRAS2. Linguistik Online, 125(1), 15-20.