“O l’è stæto sciù d’assettòu”.

I verbi sintagmatici nel genovese

  • Werner Forner


Syntagmatic verbs are widespread in Germanic languages. However, they are also present in different varieties of Italian, including Ligurian dialects. Starting from a Genoese corpus extracted from a popular 19th century novel, the author shows their independent status by means of a semantic and syntactic analysis. An appropriate description is currently missing in grammars and dictionaries. Therefore, the author outlines a possible lexicographical treatment.

Forner, W. (2024). “O l’è stæto sciù d’assettòu”.: I verbi sintagmatici nel genovese. Linguistik Online, 125(1), 65–76. https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.125.10785