I verbi sintagmatici nei dizionari dialettali trentini


  • Patrizia Cordin




This article deals with the treatment of phrasal verbs in the dictionaries of the Trentino dialects, where the sequence verb + locative was – and is still – used widely. An introductory paragraph briefly illustrates the spread of phrasal verbs formed with a locative particle in the Romance languages, and particularly in Italian and in the dialects of Northern Italy. In the second paragraph, eight lexicographical Trentino works are examined, five of which have a digital version. The selected dictionaries, written during the last decades of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st, cover different areas of Trentino. For each work, the analysis focuses on how phrasal verbs are presented in the macro- and the microstructure. The review shows that all authors provide a rich exemplification of phrasal verbs, but only two present these phraseological units systematically and exhaustively. However, the dictionaries that have an online version offer the possibility of an automatic search which makes up for the absence of a coherent registration.


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Cordin, P. (2024). I verbi sintagmatici nei dizionari dialettali trentini. Linguistik Online, 125(1), 77-96. https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.125.10786