Fraseografia digitale e varietà diatopiche dello spagnolo.

Studio preliminare per la lemmatizzazione della fraseologia ispanica nel Dizionario fraseologico multilingue digitale (DFMD)


  • Elena Dal Maso



This article aims to present a proposal for the lemmatisation of Hispanic phraseology in a digital multilingual phraseological dictionary. Indeed, in the current lexicographic panorama, bi- or multilingual electronic dictionaries capable of comprehensively presenting the phraseology of the different diatopic varieties of Spanish are still lacking. For this reason, within the framework of the Digital Multilingual Phraseological Dictionary (DFMD) project, currently being developed at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, a preliminary study illustrated in this paper has been carried out. This focuses on the inclusion of Spanish phraseology in a Spanish-Italian/ Italian-Spanish bilingual repertory. In the following chapters, I first outline the state of the art as regards the presence of Hispanic phraseology in existing digital lexicographic works (chapter 2), and then move on to the presentation of the elaborated phraseographic proposal: in particular, I will set out the parameters adopted for the selection of the phraseological corpus under investigation and its subsequent lemmatisation in the Venetian repertory (chapter 3). Subsequently, I will examine some examples of lexicographic entries in which the proposed methodology is applied (chapter 4). Finally, I will offer some points of re-thinking for possible future studies (chapter 5).


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Dal Maso, E. (2024). Fraseografia digitale e varietà diatopiche dello spagnolo.: Studio preliminare per la lemmatizzazione della fraseologia ispanica nel Dizionario fraseologico multilingue digitale (DFMD). Linguistik Online, 125(1), 183-211.