InliAnTe: Instrument für die linguistische Analyse von Textkommentierungen
Giving feedback on texts is a common method of supporting the writing process in different contexts. It involves using language in two different ways: It focuses on language and textual phenomena in the draft of the text, and is itself a communicative activity expressed through language. This double relationship with language has not, however, until now been taken into account systematically and comprehensively enough in either writing courses or research on feedback.
This article presents an instrument for analysing students’ written commentaries on texts in peer feedback processes. By combining different linguistic methods, the instrument enables the identification of those characteristics of the text commentaries that are didactically relevant. The analysis distinguishes in each case between the places marked in the text draft and the commentaries. Those phenomena in the draft text that the feedback-givers react to in their commentaries are identified through text analysis. In addition, a pragmatic analysis of the commentary texts reveals how the feedback-givers draft their commentaries linguistically when, for example, encouraging the original author to revise the text.
Applying the instrument to describe text commentaries should contribute to making theoretical modelling more exact, as well as to an empirically-based way of teaching how to comment on texts in peer-feedback processes.