Zur Verwendung der Forschungsplattform Regionalsprache.de (REDE) bei der Vermittlung arealer Sprachvariation in den Bereichen Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Deutsch als Zweitsprache





Integrating regional linguistic variation more heavily into classes of German as a foreign language (DaF) and German as a second language (DaZ) has been subject to discussion for quite some time in the research literature. Surveys have shown that students of DaF and DaZ are interested in learning about regional varieties of German, but that this often fails for two reasons: the lack of appropriate materials as well as reluctance on the part of teachers (cf. Baßler/Spiekermann 2001, Spiekermann 2007). Consequently, there are numerous non-standard variants of which students are not aware. It has also been observed that non-standard linguistic structures can lead to miscomprehension (cf. Negele 2012: 94). This con-tribution calls attention to two desiderata: 1. Areal linguistic variation is covered only sel-dom in DaF and DaZ classes. 2. There is insufficient suitable teaching material for treating and imparting knowledge on regional linguistic variants in these classes. The goal of the present contribution is then twofold: to provide teachers and textbook authors with information about the resources available over the research platform Regionalsprache.de (REDE) and then to give some impulses for its use in DaF and DaZ courses.


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Pheiff, J., Pistor, T., & Wolańska, A. (2019). Zur Verwendung der Forschungsplattform Regionalsprache.de (REDE) bei der Vermittlung arealer Sprachvariation in den Bereichen Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Linguistik Online, 94(1), 101-137. https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.94.5435