Sprachliche Verfestigung und sprachlich Verfestigtes.



  • Simon Meier Technische Universität Dresden https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0141-9327
  • Bettina Bock Universität zu Köln
  • Konstanze Marx Universität Greifswald
  • Robert Mroczynski Universität Leipzig
  • Sven Staffeldt Martin-Luther-Universität Halle




The present special issue of Linguistik Online is dedicated to theoretical and methodological approaches to formulaic language use from a pragmatic perspective. Following the assumption that language use is thoroughly shaped by routines and prefabricated patterns, formulaic language plays a central role in recent theoretical and empirical approaches to language use like construction grammar or corpus pragmatics. Within the field of phraseology, pragmatic approaches have become prevalent, too, be it by corpus linguistic foundations or by a functional perspective on phrasemes in different communicative domains. Based on case studies from various fields like language acquisition, cultural linguistics or colonial studies, the papers of this special issue discuss the role of formulaicity on the different levels of language use. They demonstrate which concepts and empirical methods are suitable to capture the pragmatic aspects of formulaic language use.


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Meier, S., Bock, B., Marx, K., Mroczynski, R., & Staffeldt, S. (2019). Sprachliche Verfestigung und sprachlich Verfestigtes.: Einleitung. Linguistik Online, 96(3), 3-7. https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.96.5527