Also d'Susi wär e ganz e liebi Frau für de Markus! Zur Verdoppelung des indefiniten Artikels in der adverbiell erweiterten Nominalphrase im Schweizerdeutschen
Three possible constructions of adverbially complemented noun phrases are attested in Swiss German. In (1), the indefinite article is doubled, whereas in (2) and (3) the article appears only once; it precedes or follows the adverb, respectively: (1) Also d' Susi wär e ganz e liebi Frau für de Markus! So the Susi would_be Art really Art lovely wife for the Markus! 'Susi would be a really lovely wife for Markus!' (2) Also d' Susi wär ganz e liebi Frau für de Markus! So the Susi would_be really Art lovely wife for the Markus! 'Susi would be a really lovely wife for Markus!' (3) Also d' Susi wär e ganz liebi Frau für de Markus! So the Susi would_be Art really lovely wife for the Markus! 'Susi would be a really lovely wife for Markus!' Doubling of the indefinite article is quite often mentioned in dialectological literature. Unfortunately there is nothing to be found about regional differences, frequency or possible contexts for a doubling in most standard works of Swiss German dialectology. The present paper now fills in some of these gaps in research on the adverbially complemented noun phrase in Swiss German: In a quantitative analysis will be shown that the construction with the article between adverb and adjective (2) is the one given the highest acceptance and preference rates by the informants. Furthermore the paper also shows that the doubling-construction (1) is more prominent in some Swiss German speaking-areas than in others. An apparent time analysis reveals ongoing language change and, last but not least, it shows that sociolinguistic parameters have an impact on the adverbially complemented noun phrase as well.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2005 Janine Steiner

Dieses Werk steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International.
Steiner, J. (2005). Also d’Susi wär e ganz e liebi Frau für de Markus! Zur Verdoppelung des indefiniten Artikels in der adverbiell erweiterten Nominalphrase im Schweizerdeutschen. Linguistik Online, 24(3).