TestDaF oder ZOP? Welche Prüfung sagt mehr über die Studierfähigkeit aus?

  • Susanne Katharina Schleif


The following article is about two tests of the knowledge of German as a foreign language on an advanced level: TestDaF and ZOP (Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung, Goethe-Institut). Each test type is first described and then analysed for its suitability as a university entry test for foreign students, as both are recognised as such by German universities. It is shown that every test type includes items, which are not valid for university applicants. Based on this analysis, the author works out criteria, which a university entry test should include.
Schleif, S. K. (2005). TestDaF oder ZOP? Welche Prüfung sagt mehr über die Studierfähigkeit aus?. Linguistik Online, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.22.755