Une diplomatie du concert.

La présence musicale française au Caire dans les années 1920-1930


  • Joan Grandjean Postgraduate Student, Sorbonne University




French Association for Artistic Action, Cultural Diplomacy, Music, Cultural life in Cairo, Interwar


Although the place of music in the French political imagination has recently been the subject of fruitful research, it remains a blind spot in the study of French cultural exchange. This can be explained by the non-verbal nature of musical events, or the relative technicality of their study. This article shows how the Association d'expansion et d'échanges artistiques contributed to the promotion of French musicians in Cairo between the late 1920s and the late 1930s. 


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  • Joan Grandjean, Postgraduate Student, Sorbonne University

    After a two-year undergraduate intensive course in literature and social sciences, Maxendre Brunet obtained from the Sorbonne University (Paris) a Master’s degree in History, specialized in "Contemporary Worlds”. His research focused on French musical tours in the Middle East at the beginning of the 20th century and he defended his Master's thesis on French musical life in Cairo in the 1920s and 1930s, under the supervision of Prof. Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen.




Grandjean, J. (2021). Une diplomatie du concert.: La présence musicale française au Caire dans les années 1920-1930. Manazir Journal, 2, 16-33. https://doi.org/10.36950/manazir.2020.2.2