Lematización y visualización cartográfica del corpus CODEA. Formas de la conjunción ‘y’ en el norte de Castilla medieval


  • Hiroto Ueda Universidad de Tokio
  • Pedro Sánchez-Prieto Borja Universidad de Alcalá
  • Antonio Moreno Sandoval Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




lemmatization, conjunction ‘y’, Gothic letter, Humanistic letter, rising diphthong, Tironian sign


Although there are controversies in the corpus linguistics as to the way of lemmatizing or grouping the inflective forms in a main form, their usefulness at different levels of studyis admitted in the consensus of researchers. Especially at the graphic, phonological and morphological level, lemmatization is essential without any doubt. In practice, in the inventory of lemmatized forms, we do not miss a rare, infrequent variant, in the total observation of the grouping.

As an example of the utility of lematization of old Spanish documents, we have analyzed different forms of the conjunction , which is peculiar in Spanish in comparison with the general form of in historically related languages. Indeed, the precursor variants of the form have been found before the fifteenth century, which serve as important indicators to approximate their sudden appearance in the same century, with the arrival of the new humanistic letter. Previously the latent form was hidden under the Gothic letter in the form of the Tironian sign <&>. We look for the reasons of the historical change from to in medieval Castilian, which is characterized by the statistical abundance of the rising diphthong, , idiosyncratic of Castilian in contrast to the surrounding languages. At the end of the study, we present the history of the conjunction in its geohistorical dimension with cartographic visualizations.


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How to Cite

Ueda, H., Sánchez-Prieto Borja, P., & Moreno Sandoval, A. (2020). Lematización y visualización cartográfica del corpus CODEA. Formas de la conjunción ‘y’ en el norte de Castilla medieval. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 42, pp. 245-261. https://doi.org/10.36950/elies.2020.42.8473