Autoimagen o sumisión a la autoridad. Los principios de la persuasión a los que apelaron progresistas y conservadores en los debates parlamentarios sobre el matrimonio igualitario


  • Carolina Arrieta Castillo Universidad a Distancia de Madrid



parliamentary speech, rhetoric, persuasive communication, same sex marriage


This article intends to understand the persuasive strategies that were used in the same sex marriage debate in the parliaments of Spain, Mexico D.F., Argentina, and Uruguay. The intention is to find out whether there was any significant difference in the rhetoricalargumentative selections of the groups for and against the legislative amendment. To do this, we will analyze the topics on the debate, and the types of arguments that were used in each of them, considering the horizontal progressive-conservative axis. The article is based on the premise that through the analysis of the rethorical-argumentative resources it is possible to discover the persuasive principles that each political sector tried to activate. The results show that both progressives and conservatives put specific discursive strategies into play in the different topics discussed during the debates.


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How to Cite

Arrieta Castillo, C. (2019). Autoimagen o sumisión a la autoridad. Los principios de la persuasión a los que apelaron progresistas y conservadores en los debates parlamentarios sobre el matrimonio igualitario. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 40, pp. 193-220.