Aportación de las investigaciones con neuroimagen funcional a los estudios lingüísticos: algunas preguntas y respuestas
Neurolinguistics, Biolinguistics, functional neuroimaging techniques, brain language processingAbstract
The main objective of this article, of a merely introductory nature, is to show the linguistic interest of the results obtained by means of the main functional neuroimaging techniques applied to the study of language, and the challenges associated with the interdisciplinary encounter between Linguistics and Neuroscience. We begin by summarising the basic principles of the two most widely used methodologies to study the functioning of the brain while performing linguistic tasks: the electromagnetic-based and the metabolicbased techniques. We will then propose examples of questions relevant to linguistics that can be answered by data obtained using neuroimaging techniques. We will conclude by reflecting on the different levels of involvement of linguists in the use and progress of neuroimaging techniques.
Copyright (c) 2022 Victoria Marrero-Aguiar
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