Gender stereotypes in the proverbs of "El saber del pueblo" (1890)


  • Carmen Martín Cuadrado Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Gender stereotypes, El saber del pueblo, Historiographical, Sexist stances, Proverbs, Female universe


The paremiography, due to her popular and generational character, has disseminated discriminatory thoughts against women through verbal language. This context has created very significant or noticeable gender stereotypes. The aim of the present work is to analyze some examples of proverbs such as La mujer y la pera, la que calla es Buena; mula que hace bien, y mujer que parla latín, nunca hicieron buen fin o dolor de mujer muerta dura hasta la puerta, which show the roles that have always been related to the female universe. An exhaustive analysis of the lexicographical composition of the 19th century called El saber del pueblo by Orbaneja y Majada has been carried out to achieve the main objectives of this research. The work provides a wide catalogue of theories and examples of sayings. For those reasons, it has been considered an invaluable repertory to extract proverbs that reveal a clear sexist stance.


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How to Cite

Martín Cuadrado, C. (2024). Gender stereotypes in the proverbs of "El saber del pueblo" (1890). Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 48, 221-239.