La realidad cubana a través del discurso publicitario: análisis lingüístico de anuncios publicados en el Diario de La Habana (1810-1819)


  • Marta Rodríguez Manzano Universidad de Sevilla



Cuba, Diario de La Habana, advertising discourse, adjective forms, lexicon


This research article contains a linguistic analysis of Cuban announcements of losses, rentals, sales and purchase requests published in the Diario de La Habana at the beginning of the 19th century. This typology of journalistic writings allows us to know and delve into the properties and tools of daily life that circulated in the Cuban colonial context. Among the advertised goods are farms, household furniture, jewelry, animals, and even slaves recently arrived from African lands. All the merchandise advertised in the pages of this newspaper is carefully described and detailed, with written word as the only means of communication. Therefore, this contribution, attends to the different linguistic levels, shows the diverse vocabulary used to refer to the various merchandise, and studies the adjectives that accompany these and that characterize the advertising discourse consigned in this newspaper. Likewise, based on the discursive strategies used in this kind of publication, it will be possible to reconstruct how this sort of expository writing was formed, and how, ultimately, its formal configuration and its content contributed to achieving the primary goal of this type of texts: to get the reader´s attention, to persuade him and to convince him to perform a certain action.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Manzano, M. (2022). La realidad cubana a través del discurso publicitario: análisis lingüístico de anuncios publicados en el Diario de La Habana (1810-1819). Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 46, pp. 81-100.