About the Journal

Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs) is an open access journal, specialising in topics related to Hispanic linguistics, published since 1999, and founded by Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Throughout these past decades, ELiEs, a pioneer in the field of open access electronic journals in Spanish, has managed to establish itself as a well-known publication for monographic volumes with a broad thematic spectrum.

In this new stage, the redaction of the ELiEs will be funded by the Universität Bern and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum within the framework established by Bern Open Publishing Serials.

Keeping with the epistemological changes that linguistics has undergone in recent decades, the journal has made some changes to its editorial line. While maintaining its open and interdisciplinary, synchronic and diachronic character, we will particularly welcome submissions that provide a heuristic look at the linguistic discipline itself, with a special interest in the language-society interface. In this way, ELiEs aims to offer a space for open discussion between different disciplinary currents in linguistics.

ELiEs works together with Infoling, collecting the reviews that are disseminated in Infoling Revista by e-mail and on social networks.

Since Autumn 2020, ELiEs has incorporated the fixed section Clásicos en la Red, whose aim is to contribute to the enrichment of the historiographical perspective of Hispanic linguistics through innovative and integrative approaches that allow us to broaden our understanding of the evolution and development of linguistic ideas in the Hispanic world. In light of the fact that practically every Classic published before the 20th century is available online, each Classics online study will be accompanied by the URL where the work analysed can be freely consulted or downloaded.


To ensure the long-term availability of scientific information, the contents of the journal are archived with LOCKSS.