La presencia de la mujer en la historia de la gramática española

Su visibilidad en los ejemplos gramaticales

  • Francisco Escudero Paniagua
Keywords: linguistic historiography, grammatical exemplification, examples, ideology, women


This research focuses on the study of references to women in the examples of five eighteenth-century grammars (Gayoso, San Pedro, GRAE 1771, Ballot and GRAE 1796). The aim is to find out, firstly, how many references to women there are in the grammatical exemplification of the 18th century and, secondly, what factors influenced the grammarians to include more or less females figures in their examples. For this purpose, three types of analysis were carried out: i) feminine nouns and substantivised adjectives (or adjectives with elliptical nouns) referring to women, proper names of characters (historical or fictional) and proper names invented ad hoc in each example have been counted, as well as feminine pronouns referring to women (she, her, any, none.... ) and sentences in which women are referred to by means of agreement, but without any explicitly feminine nouns or pronouns; ii) the semantic content of the examples (syntagms and sentences) which include references to men and women has been analysed; iii) the total data of references to men and women in the examples have been compared.

How to Cite
Escudero Paniagua, F. (2024). La presencia de la mujer en la historia de la gramática española: Su visibilidad en los ejemplos gramaticales. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 48, 260–280.