La estructura de la comedia: nodos, espacios de posibilidad y puntos bisagra como elementos esenciales de la sintaxis de lo cómico

  • María Esther Sánchez Hernández
Keywords: Comedy structure, Koestler, Hinge Points, Possibility Space, Fractal


The present essay tries to deepen into the structure of comedy from the three elements that we believe could schematize, at least in part, the structure of the comic: nodes, spaces of possibility, and hinge points. The nodes are each of the points that advance the action. They are not properly comical. The notion of spaces of possibility arises from Koestler's idea of bisociation, and could be defined as the set of rules and matrices that make up a given universe. Finally, the hinge points would match with the idea of the element that touches several levels described by Koestler, although we add the evolution of this idea to a non-dual, but multiple frameworks. From these theoretical bases, we observe the fractal quality of the hinge points, present at multiple levels of the story, among others, in locations, characters and plots.
Finally, the structure of comedy is described as hinge points coinciding with nodes that cause successive opening of spaces of possibility from the ridiculous, trying to develop how in this genre one passes from one space to another based on the turning element in which the hinge point becomes.

How to Cite
Sánchez Hernández, M. E. (2021). La estructura de la comedia: nodos, espacios de posibilidad y puntos bisagra como elementos esenciales de la sintaxis de lo cómico. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 43, pp. 23–33.