La ludolingüística de la informatividad en columnas de opinión irónicas

  • Miguel Ángel Caro Lopera Universidad del Quindío (Colombia)
Keywords: Ludolinguistic mechanisms, principio de informatividad, opinion columns, irony


In this article, we analyzed the form and function of diverse ludolinguistic mechanisms, which transform the principle of informatividad (Levinson 2004: 114) in ironic opinion columns according to the neo-gricean model for the irony of the GRIALE group from University of Alicante (Rodríguez-Rosique 2009; Ruiz-Gurillo 2012). The methodology of this qualitative article is built on the analysis of a corpus of opinion columns with ongoing irony, which were published in the Colombian political context by Daniel Samper Ospina (117 texts) and “Tola y Maruja” (120) between August 2014 and December 2016, amid the process of negotiations between the government and the guerrilla group FARC. This ensures a contextual framework for the comprehension of irony (Caro, Camargo y Uribe 2018). As a result of this analysis, the double-meaning games (Rodríguez-Rosique 2009: 192), the mechanisms of polysemy and homonymy (Ruiz-Gurillo 2012: 116) and the pseudoabarcadores (Timofeeva 2013: 142) affect the principio de informatividad of “providing the enough minimum information for the achievement of the communicative purposes” (Levinson 2004: 114). The presence of antonomasias, calambures, correctios, pretericiones, oxímoros, paradojas, anacronismos, retruécanos, anfibologías, homologías, antanaclasis y reticencias is added. To conclude, it is appreciated how the inversion of the principio de informatividad, from a wide range of ludolinguistic mechanisms, carnavaliza -makes fun of- (Bajtín 1976, 1987, 2000) the ways of creating texts of the discursive genre in opinion columns, under the shadow of emotion and irony, which supports Rodríguez Rosique when she emphasizes that “the inversion of the Principio de Informatividad is a widely explored resource, used by speakers who look for humorous results, since the multiplication of references is the main responsible of double-meanings” (2009: 122).

How to Cite
Caro Lopera, M. Ángel. (2021). La ludolingüística de la informatividad en columnas de opinión irónicas. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 43, pp. 71–84.