De re philosophica linguae universalis en las utopías racionalistas de la Fabulosa Terra Austral Incognita

  • Carmen Galán Rodríguez Universidad de Extremadura
Keywords: utopia, rational language, constructed language


This work analyses the constructed rational languages that appear in two utopian novels of the seventeenth century: La Terre Australe Connue (Foigny 1676), and the Histoire des Sevarambes (Vairasse 1677). The aim is to demonstrate that these constructed languages are the reflection of the ideological traces of the time, but they anticipate linguistic ideas that will develop in later centuries.

How to Cite
Galán Rodríguez, C. (2020). De re philosophica linguae universalis en las utopías racionalistas de la Fabulosa Terra Austral Incognita. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 41, pp. 193–210.