La discusión de una lengua perfecta e ideal en la Grammaire de Destutt de Tracy (1803)

  • Isabel Zollna Philipps-Universität Marburg
Keywords: General Grammar, Idéologie, language critique, linguistic universals


At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th c. the question of an ideal, logical language is considered impossible and even undesirable by Destutt de Tracy. Nonetheless in his Grammaire, the 2nd vol. of the Idéologie (1801-1815), Destutt de Tracy treats the question seriously in the perspective to resume and systematize the principals and the basic structures of language in general exposed in his Grammaire. The chapter on an ideal language permits him to prove his grammatical theory and serves him at the same time as a language critique that focuses on redundancies and ambiguities of natural languages which are to avoid.

How to Cite
Zollna, I. (2020). La discusión de una lengua perfecta e ideal en la Grammaire de Destutt de Tracy (1803). Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 41, pp. 211–225.