Diccionarios etimológicos

  • José Ramón Carriazo Ruiz Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Keywords: etymology, dictionary, lexicography, precursors, Spanish language.


This paper deals with the presence of etymology in the Hispanic lexicographic tradition, with special reference to etymological dictionaries from the Renaissance to the present time. It presents the precursors of scientific etymology, the academic and non-academic dictionaries of the nineteenth century, as well as the two main scientific dictionaries of the twentieth century and some partial or segmental collections of etymologies published in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Finally, an overview of the current situation regarding etymological dictionaries of the Spanish language is presented and a brief perspective on the future for the genre is drawn.

How to Cite
Carriazo Ruiz, J. R. (2017). Diccionarios etimológicos. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 38, pp. 7–33. https://doi.org/10.36950/elies.2017.38.8643