Diccionarios inversos y de la rima

  • María del Carmen García Manga Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: lexicography, dictionary, rhyme, reverse


The reverse and rhyme dictionaries, often wrongly mistaken between each other, remain the great unknowns of the current lexicographical panorama. The peculiarity of their arrangement, their specific functionalities and their scarce distribution make these products, far from conventional alphabetical dictionaries, works that must continually be justified by their authors and editors. In this chapter, we discuss its historical evolution, as well as detail its essential characteristics. Below, we describe their current situation in the Hispanic context, from which we set out their future prospects.

How to Cite
García Manga, M. del C. (2017). Diccionarios inversos y de la rima. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 38, pp. 61–83. https://doi.org/10.36950/elies.2017.38.8645