Diccionarios ortográficos

  • Carmen Cazorla Vivas Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: lexicography, typology of dictionaries, spelling dictionaries of the Spanish


When we approach the typology of the dictionaries, next to the general dictionaries of language, which are the most widespread, acquaintances and employees, we meet other many types of lexicographical works, since them of synonymous, the analogical ones, those of frequencies… and, between them, the spelling dictionaries. We are going to approach this type of dictionaries, departing from his definition, his origin and more notable characteristics. Later we will present the spelling dictionaries of the Spanish. The aim is to show a panorama of this type of works that also help to complete the analysis of the existing dictionaries.

How to Cite
Cazorla Vivas, C. (2017). Diccionarios ortográficos. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 38, pp. 203–224. https://doi.org/10.36950/elies.2017.38.8652