El judeoespañol, ¿una variedad olvidada?

  • Yvette Bürki Universität Bern
Keywords: ladino, Glotopolitics, ideologies, language ideologies, regenerationism, Generation of '98, Menéndez Pidal


Throughout the analysis of three different contexts — the influence of French culture on the Ottoman Empire, the encounter with Senator Angel Pulido and its philological discovery by the pidaline school — the following contribution proposes the thesis that the Judeo-Spanish was not a forgotten variety. Much more the values with which it has been associated have depended on the ideological lens through which it has been perceived. Specifically we propose that we have dealt with the monoglossic positions, prevailing in the nineteenth century and much of the twentieth century, and different Spanish ideological movements in the 19th century: the Regenarationism, the Generation of the 98 and the Philosephardism.

How to Cite
Bürki, Y. (2016). El judeoespañol, ¿una variedad olvidada?. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 37, pp. 149–175. https://doi.org/10.36950/elies.2016.37.8664